por Zeus | May 20, 2021 | Blog
The progress of digital transformation of the tourism industry has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. Companies are now working on a new system based on service personalization. Therefore, the truism industry digitalization has promoted new projects based...
por Zeus | May 20, 2021 | Blog
El aumento de la transformación digital de la industria turística se ha acelerado a causa de la pandemia de coronavirus. Las empresas del sector están trabajando en un nuevo sistema centrado en la personalización del servicio. Por tanto, la digitalización de la...
por Zeus | May 6, 2021 | Blog
En los últimos años los drones en agricultura han cogido fuerza por sus grandes avances. Hoy en día los drones son capaces de lograr mapas de más índices vegetativos con alta resolución. Esto se puede aplicar, por ejemplo, en frutales, olivares, almendros, viñedos,...
por Zeus | May 6, 2021 | Blog
In the last few years, drones have gained a lot of strength in terms of agriculture due to their significant advances and the use of Big Data Technology. Nowadays, they are capable of mapping more vegetative indices with higher resolution. This can be applied, for...
por Zeus | Abr 16, 2021 | Blog
How can managing information from an OLAP perspective benefit a company? Before we go deeper into this subject, we have to talk about Big Data. It is considered one, if not the most, important tool in the business world. The main reason is that it allows to process...