Blockchain technology in customer management is a revolution. Getting customers satisfied to grow a business is really nothing new. CRM or Customer Relatioship Management allows companies to engage with their customers. It also helps to increase profitability and to decrease costs.
However, in 2019 only 46% of companies have opted for CRM software or similar solutions. What is the problem? Why companies have not decided to make this investment?
Today a CRM is not able to connect important data to real and actionable perceptions. We also found some aspects that retain companies. Some of them are as follows:
- High costs. Many companies consider price to be a barrier to acquiring a CRM platform. They also consider a weak point the time the configuration takes.
- Complex processes that lead us to have inaccurate or incomplete customer data. In many cases, company data is fragmented into different systems that do not communicate. If inaccurate data is entered, there is an erroneous view of the client.
- The need to rebuild the same model for each business.
- The fact of having local data instead of a global data network.
- Management, analysis and operations expenses. Employees spend a lot of time entering data into the CRM system and then decrypting it.
New CRM systems with Blockchain technology
The new CRM systems improve the customer profile. They have completely renewed the contact points of customer data. The introduction, access and analysis of data has been facilitated. In addition, data can be shared with all components of the company in a secure way.
CRM technology is growing and adapting to new market trends. Customer needs change constantly. For this reason, it is necessary to create a modular structure that allows data to be connected.
Blockchain technology is solving the deficiencies of CRM systems. For example, the exact transfer of data in a cost-effective way. It is essential for a company that the data is accurate and complete.
On the other hand, the new management software allows companies to access customer information in real-time. In addition, they can track calls, visits, meetings duration, etc.
Having a real-time data analysis engine is a great competitive advantage. Companies that invest on this type of CRM software can work by focusing on each client. Blockchain technology facilitates access to data on platforms.

Benefits of the new CRM solutions
Companies have significantly increased productivity with the new CRM solutions. Interoperability is now possible. All employees can manage work and business communication. For example, keep track of calls, visits, charges, etc.
The investment in this type of management software will mean real value. Users will be able to adapt it according to their needs. The work structure is configurable. Each commercial team can design the interface according to their way of working. Therefore, it will be highly efficient and the costs will be profitable.
These benefits make a CRM system attractive for daily use. The data is stored accurately and completely. There is even data that is collected automatically. That is, the data is recorded as the work is performed.
On the other hand, directors or managers can verify whether objectives, working times, profitability, etc. are met. In addition, the cost of data acquisition (CAD) decreases considerably.
The new standards for storage, analysis and data utilization offer interoperability. The idea of creating and analyzing customer data is a great attraction in the commercial sector.
The new trends show the importance of collaborative work and access to information in real-time. This way of tracking customers will generate new and better business opportunities.