IoT technology in society

IoT technology in society

It is increasingly common to hear the concept of IoT Technology. And it is not surprising, now it is very common to have smart devices connected to each other and / or the Cloud. The increase in the number of users on the Internet shows the enormous need of the...
Digital transformation in companies, a revolution?

Digital transformation in companies, a revolution?

Digital transformation in companies is a necessity. The advancement of technologies, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, etc. make it essential. However, we still find a lot of unknowledge about the concept. What is the digital transformation? The digital...
What is a CRM and why is it fundamental?

What is a CRM and why is it fundamental?

When we ask ourselves what a CRM is, it is important to know that comes from the acronym Customer Relationship Management. That said, it may not be very clear, so in this article we want to discuss what a CRM is and its importance. What is a CRM? In the first place,...

Artificial Intelligence applied to business

From Upicus we take artificial intelligence to the user level, making possible that the configuration of artificial thinking can be defined directly by a user who does not need advanced computer skills. In this way users can define the different steps involved in such...

Upicus Health selected in InDemand 2019

We are proud to have been one of the winners of the ‘InDemand 2019’ project, framed in the European Union Research and Innovation program and financed with European funds. It is an honour to face and solve the challenge proposed by the health professionals of “Digital...