It is increasingly common to hear the concept of IoT Technology. And it is not surprising, now it is very common to have smart devices connected to each other and / or the Cloud.
The increase in the number of users on the Internet shows the enormous need of the population to connect with the rest of the world.
What is IoT Technology?
When we use the term IoT Technology we are referring to the “Internet of Things”. That is, when several devices are connected to each other. However, it is not about devices that have always been digital. Rather, it refers to devices that have not been connected so far. For example, in our day to day, a refrigerator, a dryer, the lighting of a room, etc. In the company scene, room sensors, temperature detectors, energy optimizers, printed circuits for our products, salinity meters in the agricultural world, and a long etc.
Currently, one of the biggest technological challenges is knowing all the possibilities offered by the Internet of Things. Finding new applications between devices to improve our lives along Big Data, robotics, etc.
This technology is already a reality. But what makes it possible? The IoT depends on a number of technologies and devices. Also essential are Big Data tools, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc.
Smart devices provide a large volume of IoT data that can be analyzed and exploited in real-time.
IoT Technology and Smart Cities
The Internet of Things is deeply related to Smart Cities. Improving the quality of citizens is becoming a reality. For example, it is intended to reduce CO2 emissions, regulate traffic, etc.
Thanks to IoT Technologies, public management can be improved and citizens can be informed. Public administrations can use it, for example, for environmental management.
Today we can find cities that have opted for digital transformation. In a city it is necessary to collect data in a centralized way, protected spaces are monitored, etc.
Another relevant issue in Smart Cities is traffic management. Governments of cities like Paris or New York are already working on this issue. As an example, an intelligent traffic signal helps to decongest traffic. In this way, an intelligent environment that improves the citizens’ quality of life can be achieved.
Governments that invest in the Internet of Things achieve innovative projects. The digital transformation and the modernization of services lead us towards Industry 4.0. We are entering a new digital era.
The main problem facing all these cities is not only the sensorization of them, but the integration, management and response to the millions of data they receive, through pure or mixed AI mechanisms.
IoT Technology in companies
The great advances in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the world of business and industry. IoT Technology is an added value. In sectors such as health, education, agriculture, etc. it will be a great challenge. The union of these technologies will produce great changes.
The objective of the implementation of the Internet of Things in the company is to improve all processes. In the sectors that are being rapidly implemented are:
• Health: patient follow-up will be much easier. The healthcare team obtain real data from different devices in the same software. Big Data systems help find similar patterns. Therefore, the diagnosis is more accurate. It can also improve logistics organization, ambulance management, etc.
• Hospitality: a hotel may seem like a smart home if good service is achieved at low cost. IoT Technology allows the hospitality sector to reduce costs. For example, applied in water, light, temperature, etc. In addition, it also helps to save costs in the food part.
• Agriculture: crops can be sensitized to obtain, even plant by plant, the water, fertilizer or pest control needs of each of them, significantly increasing production.
• Productivity in the services sector: the IOT can facilitate the allocation of hours to different projects. It can also be a key element to implement gamification systems.
• Industry: measurement can go far beyond factories. It can be expanded to transport and, in general, to the full service provided by the company.

The Internet of Things at home
The Internet of Things can allow us to obtain much more complete information about our systems, not only of production, but of marketing, accounting, warehouse, etc. Data acquisition cost (DAC) is significantly reduced. This variable will be key for companies in the upcoming years.
We all dream of having a simpler life. For this reason, experts are working on IoT Technology applications for home and private devices. They can also be very beneficial in preventing domestic accidents, saving energy and supplies costs, etc. And, on the other hand, it improves security against thievery, natural disasters, etc.
The Internet of Things helps people improving their quality of life. For example, they may have more information about their health and fitness.
The idea of having a more comfortable life drives professionals to look for new applications and devices to use them daily. It is surprising how many devices we can control remotely. Thanks to home automation and IoT Technology we are creating Smart Homes. A space that unites savings, comfort, security and respect for the environment.