Lean Data is essential in any type of company to save on the collection and transmission of data. Currently Lean concept is applied to improve all kind of processes. At Upicus we have applied it to the world of data.
How are Lean tools applied in companies? Normally they are introduced in the processes to be able to monitor them, detect any incident and be able to use solutions. This monitoring is where Big Data technology enters the scene.
Companies increasingly work with a greater volume of data from different sources or databases. Today it is essential to quickly store, process, manage and have this information available. Thanks to Upicus, we can process and visualize information in real time.
Approach to the concept of Lean Data
Lean methodology and its impact on the industry throughout history has not gone unnoticed in any sector. Currently the Lean philosophy is very important in digital transformation due to the benefits that automation brings.
The purpose of the Lean methodology is to apply tools that can help organizations improve both in quality and in efficiency. If we extrapolate this concept to the world of data, we can also improve business productivity.
The incorporation of certain data and repetitive tasks is solved with the use of technological means provided by Lean Data. At Upicus we specifically relate it to these three concepts:
- Data Acquisition Cost (DAC). It refers to the importance of optimizing for each company the level of effort that is acceptable to acquire data.
- Automatic Data (AD). Automatic collection of information, through mobile devices, IOT or with the integration of information capturers. That is, the data is recorded in an automated way. For example: calls, time gaps, procedures, etc.
- One Time Data (OTD). The information is entered by a person or device only once, and is available to all who have access to the system, following the previously established security guidelines and viewing roles. In this way, possible errors and duplications of data are avoided and, in addition, time savings are achieved. In other words, the data is entered only once so that it is available to the entire company. It is a great advantage to be able to work in a coordinated way and know in real time the evaluation of a certain task, issue or project.

The benefits of Lean Data in the business world
One of the main benefits that Lean Data provides is the possibility of having greater speed in data collection.
The important thing for companies is to work with the correct data. Therefore, those tasks that do not add value or are repetitive are eliminated from the processes.
In recent years, due to Industry 4.0, digital transformation, Big Data, etc. it has become necessary the management and accessibility to the monumental amount of data generated by companies. Having the data in real time helps to make decisions and avoid errors.
Having all the data in different programs, with duplicates, etc. it´s something that has gone down in history. With Upicus software, information can be collected from different databases in order to have them in the same place and available to different users. The objective is to optimize time and to be able to make decisions in an agile and efficient way.
Following Lean philosophy, waste is eliminated from the processes, in other words, we remove anything that does not add value or promote productivity. Companies that establish the correct KPIs in each process achieve the intended result. At the same time, they make sure to work with the right data so to make decisions with guarantee, security and agility.
In short, Lean Data is intended to ensure stable and error-free data so the processes go hand in hand with the data.