Technology is a great ally to enterprises and public institutions to make front to emergencies, just as the recent Coronavirus sanitary crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted in social and economic scope so the necessity for new technologies has arisen. In one hand, to keep working, communicating, purchasing goods and services, and so on; and on the other hand, as a tool along with Bigdata, Artificial Intelligence and data analytics to stop the Coronavirus expansion.
The contagious easiness and the great lethality have meant big difficulties in terms of fighting the virus. Nevertheless, thanks to data management and analysis there is a possibility to follow-up the pandemic.
Epicus as a solution to the current sanitary crisis and other emergencies.
In Upicus we have worked on a global and full solution for the current sanitary crisis management. We have developed Epicus, software for management that could be efficient in fighting against Coronavirus and other kinds of emergencies.
The software allows reacting in real-time to any type of catastrophe, sanitary or not. It means, it makes it possible to face complicated situations that become in something epic; hence its name.
It is characterised as a tool capable to adapt, in real-time, to the different phases of Coronavirus and a great part of sanitary staff and law enforcement bodies. It focuses on the usability and agility to adequate to users’ needs and helps to optimise the work easily.
This software is not a mere sanitary platform to count infected people but to the different groups that belong in permanent contacts, such as relatives, co-workers, neighbours, etc.
How does it work? In an effortless way. Each person needs to install the app on the smartphone and add groups which they belong. An important matter is that the app provides a connection with IoT devices such as thermometers, and would be connected to the sanitary authorities and law enforcement bodies.
The main Epicus’ peculiarities, quick reaction software.
Epicus is fully configurable for every user, so it is useful for what the key actors of the crisis want. Moreover, users can singly create their analysis; it works both online and offline. Also, it brings an app generator that allows adapting to the situations’ changes that virus causes.
As for its use, it is simple and practical. At the beginning of the crisis, those responsible for its management generate different apps through the platform, which will manage the different roles. That is the citizens, the law enforcement bodies, the sanitary staff, etc. They will have the app installed on their mobile.
Therefore, citizens only have to install the application on their mobile phones and decide what data they want to share to participate in the control and management of the crisis. With citizen collaboration, it is possible to detect outbreaks of contagion, possible positives cases and their mobility, always complying with legality and ethical values.
The Public Administration can analyse the evolution of the virus using anonymized data and integrate the citizen’s health information with their contact history, being able to also know the points of contagion and those of risk, thanks to the analysis of their labour, social and location circles. As a consequence, decision-making is in real-time and based on data.
For the analysis and management of the application, more powerful servers are necessary. However, it is not a problem because Epicus has a solid back-end infrastructure. This system can run on any operating system and integrate with other systems.

Some practical applications of the software
Epicus software has many advantages and can be used for different purposes. For example, in border control, the platform allows you to create secure areas where you need to have the application to gain access. The country considered a safe area, compared to other countries, can control the entry of possible people affected by the virus.
On the other hand, immunity certificates allow unequivocal identification of each person, so it can be very useful to protect the population if it is required in the use or access to certain services and areas.
Another practical application would be for people who are at high risk of contagion. A period of confinement can be established, and the user can be in continuous communication with the health authorities for monitoring at home.
And it is also quite useful for scientists and researchers since it allows them real-time access to millions of anonymised data, which can also cross with the different protocols or actions that have been established with the population.
In short, Epicus is a platform with data collection makes it possible to carry out a combined analysis to obtain conclusions. Thanks to the combination of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Geolocation with health information, the evolution of the crisis can be forecast and analysed.