Lately, one of the most listened terms in the industry is “Industry 4.0”. But, what does it mean? Why is it considered a intelligent revolution? All companies are interested in knowing what industry 4.0 is and future changes.
What is industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 represents a radical change in industrialization that we know so far, moving on to intelligent industries.
Today we find some technologies such as digital transformation, the Internet of Things, robotization or artificial intelligence that drive intelligent industries. These technologies make companies more competitive. The company 4.0 adapts to changes to be more efficient and competitive.
In addition, it allows production processes to be more flexible, and environmental impact is reduced. Also, the distribution and sales channels are digitized, energy efficiency is improved, etc.
The smart industry has many advantages for companies. The automation and digitalization of processes help to improve productivity. It also makes them more efficient, process costs are reduced.
On the other hand, it should be noted that industry 4.0 is safer. The environmental impact is reduced, which benefits workers and prevents climate change. In addition, it facilitates energy savings.
The potential of the fourth industrial revolution
The company 4.0 uses intelligent technologies to carry out advanced production and operations techniques. Companies that have opted for this intelligent revolution have implemented those technologies that meet their needs.
They have realized the importance of accessing real-time data and business intelligence. Industry 4.0 will prevent them from losing market share and ensure the success of their business.
This intelligent revolution not only affects manufacturing processes. Its scope goes further, it reaches all levels of the company. It changes both the way of proceeding and interacting with customers. Customer service can be more personalized and offer the product or service in much less time.
This new business stage is committed to automation, connectivity and globalization. Therefore, new opportunities will be for smart business. It is a great challenge to adapt to these new interconnected work environments.
We must not forget that companies need business management software in the automation they perform to become industry 4.0.

Technologies to understand industry 4.0
For an intelligent revolution to be possible it is necessary to have technological advances. In the case of industry 4.0, among others, the following must be taken into account:
- Internet of Things (IoT): refers to the interconnection of digital devices with the Internet.
- Additive Manufacturing: this is the manufacture of 3D objectives.
- Big Data: allows you to collect data and analyze it in real-time to make intelligent decisions.
- Artificial Intelligence: programs, machines, etc. are designed with capacities like human beings.
- Collaborative Robotics: these are the new types of industrial robots, which work in a complementary way with humans.
- Virtual Reality: refers to environments or objects that have a real appearance. In some companies it is used to train workers.
- Augmented Reality: it consists of a simulation of a physical environment through a technological device. Physical and virtual elements are combined.
The new business management software allows companies to digitalize and correctly manage all these technological resources. It is the best way to cooperatively organize the entire company.
Therefore, in industry 4.0 it is necessary to have software that allows connecting different platforms within the same company. Although it may be a challenge, implementing these solutions guarantees fast and cost-effective responses.
No matter the size of the company, none can be competitive if it does not have a transversal management software that facilitates the digital transformation towards industry 4.0.